Most of our activities are on federal an national level.
But we are covering issues beyond national level, too.
Here we present examples from our european and international activities:
Joint statement of DVGeo, DPG, GDCh and VBIO concerning the war in Ukraine
The four major scientific societies are deeply concerned about the warlike violence which, instead of seeking peaceful conciliation and cooperation, is ruining human lives, ignoring self-determination, and destroying cooperation. Our concern and solidarity are with the Ukrainian people and all other sufferers of this war, whose immediate end we demand.
Joint submission on Digital Sequence Informationen (DSI)
The CBD secretariat issued a paper which summarized the current discussions and political options for a possible DSI regulation. German Life Sciences Association (VBIO) together wirh Leibniz-Netzwerk Biodiversität (LNB) and Konsortium Deutscher Naturforschender Sammlungen (DNFS) took part in the peer review process.
Peer review der „Technical Series on Synthetic Biology“
VBIO and its member GASB (German Asscociation of Synthetc Biology) took part in the review process on the study „Technical Series on Synthetic Biology“ We submitted a joint statement, which is accessible on the Website of the CBD secretariat
Post-2020 global biodiversity framework (updated zero draft)
German Life Sciences Association ( VBIO) commented an early draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (“document on scientific and technical information to support the review of the proposed goals and targets in the updated zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework”)
Peer review post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
A special challenge is the linkage of the Access and Benefit question with the "post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework" - i.e. the long-term oriented framework for biodiversity after 2020. For this, VBIO together with DNFS has presented a detailed review, which can be viewed here, but also on the pages of the CBD Secretariat at (No. 78).
Peer-review Scoping Study on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol
As part of the peer review process, VBIO together with the Leibniz Association for Biodiversity (LVB) carefully reviewed the study. The review can be found here. The review as well as the "Study to Identify Specific Cases of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources that Occur in Transboundary Situations or for which it is not Possible to Grant or Obtain Prior Informed Consent" can also be found on the Biodiversity Commission Secretariat page